Our sensations influence our thoughts and viceversa

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How to experience freedom from the beliefs we have? We cannot control what happens in life, but we can control how we react to what happens. We can choose what we think, and therefore improve the quality of life we have. We can learn to consciously use our breath to release the emotions that held in our bodies.

Our emotions are related to the kind of thoughts we have; we can also consider that our sensations feed our minds and determine the kind of thoughts we have. In time those thoughts are reflected in our bodies.

Let's use  an example; we are sometimes concerned about our future and we feel anxious about it.  These fears about the future and how we perceive it, could impact the way we react to our life in the present.  Although concerns about things yet to come can be healthy, -when we use it to take action on the direction we really want to go-it could also affect our health when we are obsessed about the future.

Understanding that some of the tension we hold in our bodies is a reflection of our thoughts, gives us means to lessen some of the concerns about "the unknown".  Every one of our thoughts is held in our body memory.  Becoming aware of this, allows us to see where our ideas manifest themselves.  When we do this, we are consciously helping to lessen their effects.  When we are conscious about where anxiety, and other feelings, emotions and sensations reside in our bodies, we start the liberation process.  We can use our breath to help us release those feelings.  Our breath becomes a valuable tool for relaxing our bodies and in time our minds; we can consciously direct our breath to those parts and release what could otherwise get "stuck" at a cellular level.

This simple process not only helps in the present, but sends positive signals to our brain; we also build confidence about ourselves and the things yet to come.

We can use this simple tool, our breath, to improve the quality of our lives. One breath at a time.

Sebastian NaumComment